Focus on the Core: Current Perspectives

Online Course
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This course for Rehab professionals returns our focus to an area of the body that is all too often neglected in busy therapy settings—the core. A strong, balanced, well-coordinated core is essential to good function in all other parts of the body. This course examines current perspectives on the principles of core training for adults. We review relevant anatomy of the abdomen, back, hips, and pelvis and discuss how these muscle groups work together for core function. We discuss why the core is important, look at the history of the core in rehabilitation, and examine the main conceptual models that explain core function and dysfunction. Specifics of assessment and intervention for adults are discussed, and several detailed evidence-based exercise program progressions are presented. The course also examines special considerations for three specific adult populations: individuals with low back pain, athletes, and older adults. Throughout the course, exercise illustrations, Therapist Tips, and case scenarios provide practical advice. This course will help rehab professionals thoroughly understand the core to achieve the best possible functional outcomes with adult patients of all ages. Its information will be immediately useful in nearly any clinical setting.

Physicourses is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID# 6295. This distance learning-independent course is offered at 1.0 CEUs Intermediate Level, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.

Available Course Credits

Alaska State PT & OT Board 10.00
AOTA 10.00
Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Arkansas State Board of Physcial Thearpy 10.00
BOC 10.00
California Physical Therapy Board 10.00
Colorado Division of Professions and Occupations 10.00
Connecticut Department of Public Health 10.00
Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers 10.00
District Of Columbia Department of Health 10.00
FPTA 10.00
Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Hawaii Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Idaho Physical Therapy Licensure Board 10.00
Indiana Physical Therapy Board 10.00
Iowa Board of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy 10.00
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts 10.00
Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Louisiana Physical Therapy Board 10.00
Maine Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 1.00
Massachusetts Board of Allied Health Professionals 10.00
Michigan Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Missouri Advisory Commission for Physical Therapists 10.00
Montana Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 10.00
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services 10.00
New Mexico Physical Therapy Board 10.00
New York State Education Department 10.00
North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 10.00
North Dakota Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Office of Professional Regulation, Vermont Secretary of State 10.00
Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision - Physical Therapy 10.00
Oregon Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs - Physical Therapy 10.00
Physical Therapy Governing Board New Hampshire 10.00
South Carolina Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
South Dakota Physical Therapy License Board 10.00
State of Alabama Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
State of Rhode Island Department of Health 10.00
Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Texas Physical Therapy Association 10.00
Utah Physical Therapy Licensing Board 10.00
Virginia Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Washington State Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
West Virginia Board of Physical Therapy 10.00
Wisconsin Physical Therapy License Board 10.00
Wyoming Board of Physical Therapy 10.00

Course Content

Focus on the Core: Current Perspectives Copy
Course Evaluation

Sarah R.Stillings, MA, PT, MPT, CHT

Sarah R. (Sally) Stillings is a PT and Certified Hand Therapist in Texas. She received her physical therapy degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to becoming a therapist, Sally taught university-level writing courses and was assistant editor of The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice. In her extensive career as a PT, she has held a variety of clinical, teaching, administrative, and business roles, including general PT practitioner, upper extremity specialist, clinic manager, hand therapy clinic coordinator, continuing education (CE) instructor, and CE course administrator. She has also served as Executive Director of the Kellermann Foundation, a U.S. nonprofit organization supporting healthcare and community development in Uganda, East Africa. Her work now focuses on creating evidence-based CE materials for rehab professionals. Sally is a lifelong runner who celebrates all those who cover the ground.

After successfully completing this continuing education course, the learner should be able to:

  1. Recall the concept of the core as a flexible cube
  2. List the primary muscles of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex and their main functions
  3. Identify the five main functions of the core
  4. List at least 6 stated benefits of core training
  5. Recognize the importance of the core to posture, balance, and force transmission
  6. Recall neuromuscular considerations regarding the core
  7. Recall the history of our understanding of the core
  8. Identify the main theories, conceptual models, and classifications of core function
  9. Delineate one or more of the challenges inherent in core assessment
  10. Choose and apply appropriate assessment techniques for evaluating core function in adults
  11. Identify and discuss special considerations, assessment, and intervention ideas for the following adult populations:
    1. Individuals with low back pain
    2. Athletes
    3. Older adults
  12. List at least 4 contraindications to exercise intervention
  13. Differentiate between the motor control, general exercise, and hybrid approaches to core training; provide the reasoning for your specific choice of approach
  14. Provide 3 examples of specific exercise interventions for core rehabilitation in adults
  15. Recognize how Pilates, tai chi, and yoga may be used for core training
  16. Using case studies, identify and apply evidence-based approaches to core evaluation and treatment that will help maximize patients' function in their daily activities


Focus on the Core: Current Perspectives—Table of Contents

Hour 1
Course Instructions 2
About the Author / Course Description 3
Course Objectives 4
Table of Contents 5

Introduction 8

Chapter 1: Applied Anatomy 10
Superior and Inferior Core Muscles 12
Anterior Core Muscles 15
Posterior Core Muscles 17
Superficial Layer 17
Intermediate Layer 19
Deep Layer 21
Lateral Core Muscles 22

Hour 2
Chapter 2: Why Is the Core So Important? 25
Functions of the Core 25
Benefits of Core Training 28
Postural Considerations 30
Balance Problems 31
Neuromuscular Considerations 32

Chapter 3: Conceptual Models 36
History of Understanding of the Core 36

Hour 3
Current Conceptual Models and Classification Systems 42
Intra-Abdominal Pressure 43
Core Stability 45
Kinetic Chain Concept 50
Core Musculature Classifications 53
Local Motor Control vs. General Exercise Approach 56

Hour 4
Chapter 4: Assessment of the Core 59
The Challenge of Core Assessment 59
Patient History 61
Medical History 62
History of the Current Complaint 63
Systems Review 65
Objective Assessment 66

Specialized Assessment Procedures 67
Observation—Sagittal Plane 68
Observation—Frontal and Transverse Planes 70
Observation of Gait 71
Range of Motion and Flexibility 72
Muscle Strength 73

Hour 5

Muscle Recruitment 78
Muscle Endurance 80
Balance 83
Dynamic Core Stability Testing 85

Chapter 5: Special Considerations for Low Back Pain 93
Core Function in the Context of LBP 95
Local Motor Control vs. General Exercise Approach 97

Hour 6
Core Assessment for Patients with Low Back Pain 100
Interventions for Patients with Low Back Pain 102
Therapeutic Exercise 104
Final Thoughts 109

Chapter 6: Special Considerations for Athletes 110
Core Function in Sport Performance 110
Core Training for Athletes 113
Current Perspectives 115
Assessment of the Core in Athletes 117
Front Abdominal Power Test 118
Side Abdominal Power Test 119

Hour 7
Core Stability and Injury Risk 121
Sample Core Stabilization Training Program 122
Cognitive Phase 123
Static Stabilization Phase 124
Dynamic Stabilization Phase 126
An Opposing Viewpoint 130
Specific Recommendations for Athletes with LBP 133
Neutral Spine 137
Abdominal Bracing 137
Partial Curl-Up 138
Side Plank 139
Quadruped Exercise 140
Supine Bridge 141
Prone Plank 142
Progression 143

Hour 8
Chapter 7: Special Considerations for Older Adults 145
Core/Trunk Strength and Function in Older Adults 145

Assessment of the Core in Older Adults 150
Intervention for Older Adults 154
Core Control 155
Balance and Proprioception 156
Flexibility 156
Aerobic and Strengthening Exercise 158

Hour 9
Chapter 8: Core Rehabilitation and Training 160
Contraindications to Core Training Exercises 160
Choosing Your Approach 162
Patient Education 163
Flexibility Exercises 164
Manual Therapy 164
Core Control Training and Core Strengthening Exercises 165
Motor Control Approach 166
General Exercise Approach 168
Hybrid Approach 171
Exercise Progressions 176
Other Exercise Disciplines 182
Pilates 182
Tai Chi 185
Yoga 186

Hour 10
Conclusion 191
Case Studies 192
Appendix: Provider and Patient Education Resources 197
References 201

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All persons in a position to control the content of any educational activity (authors or staff from Physicourses) are required to disclose to Physicourses any potentially biasing or potential conflict of interests in relationships of a financial, professional, or personal nature. 

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Educational Level: Intermediate

Target Audience: PT, PTA, OT, OTA, ATC

Course Completion Requirements: Passing an online exam with 70% or greater will be required to earn continuing education credit

This course is approved for 1.0 CEUS. 10 contact hours

Physicourses is committed to ensuring accessibility to the most extensive audience possible. If you have any questions or special needs requests, please contact us at

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