Across the globe, a major shift in demographics is occurring that will affect society on all levels. The world is aging at a dramatic rate. “In 2018, for the first time in history, persons aged 65 or above outnumbered children under five years of age globally” (UN, 2018). What does this mean for the field of occupational therapy? How do we as therapists fit into this new paradigm? What changes will we need to make to address not only the needs of this aging population, but also the impact on society overall? How does the coronavirus pandemic affect the role of the therapist of both today and tomorrow? This course will address those issues. We will look at how therapists need to alter current therapy approaches; adapt to new delivery models, including changes in homecare and long-term care; and embrace the use of technology, including robotics, smart home technologies GPS monitoring systems, and the use of telehealth systems. Case studies and video suggestions are included.
Physicourses is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID# 6295. This distance learning-independent course is offered at 0.8 CEUs Intermediate Level, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
Alaska State PT & OT Board | 8.00 | ||
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AOTA | 8.00 | |
Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Arkansas State Board of Physcial Thearpy | 8.00 | ||
California Physical Therapy Board | 8.00 | ||
Colorado Division of Professions and Occupations | 8.00 | ||
Connecticut Department of Public Health | 8.00 | ||
Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers | 8.00 | ||
District Of Columbia Department of Health | 8.00 | ||
Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Hawaii Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Idaho Physical Therapy Licensure Board | 8.00 | ||
Indiana Physical Therapy Board | 8.00 | ||
Iowa Board of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts | 8.00 | ||
Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Maine Board of Physical Therapy | 16.00 | ||
Michigan Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Missouri Advisory Commission for Physical Therapists | 8.00 | ||
Montana Board of Physical Therapy Examiners | 8.00 | ||
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services | 8.00 | ||
North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners | 4.00 | ||
North Dakota Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Office of Professional Regulation, Vermont Secretary of State | 8.00 | ||
Oregon Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs - Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Physical Therapy Governing Board New Hampshire | 8.00 | ||
South Carolina Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
South Dakota Physical Therapy License Board | 8.00 | ||
State of Alabama Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
State of Rhode Island Department of Health | 8.00 | ||
Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Texas Physical Therapy Association | 8.00 | ||
Utah Physical Therapy Licensing Board | 8.00 | ||
Virginia Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Washington State Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 | ||
Wisconsin Physical Therapy License Board | 8.00 | ||
Wyoming Board of Physical Therapy | 8.00 |
305 Geriatrics: Evolving Therapy to Address Aging | Module | ||
Course Evaluation | Module |
Mary Jane Frick OTR/L, ATP, CDP
Mary Jane Frick has over 30 years of experience in the field of Occupational Therapy and Assistive Technology. She is certified as an Assistive Technology Professional through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America – RESNA. She specializes in adaptive computer access and environmental management technologies at The Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network located in Allentown, PA. She is also a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP) through the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners.
305 Geriatrics: Evolving Therapy to Address Aging—
Course Objectives
After studying these course materials, the occupational therapy clinician should be able to:
1. Recall the definition of aging.
2. Recognize why the world is aging as a whole.
3. Recall some global initiatives being implemented to address this issue and identify what other countries such as Sweden and Singapore are doing to address this need and how therapy is provided in these countries.
4. Identify what the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, is doing to address this need.
5. Demonstrate a working knowledge of how O.T., P.T., and S.T. are provided currently and how they may look different in the future.
6. Identify different healthcare models that may be in effect in the future.
7. Recall the history of the United States and the development of the healthcare system, and what healthcare delivery systems in the future may look like in America.
8. Recognize how therapy will need to change in both home care and long-term care environments in the near future to truly meet the needs of our aging populations with the most significant healthcare needs.
9. Recognize future trends and identify what is needed to improve technology access for seniors.
10. Identify how technology will benefit our most senior members and how it will impact the field of therapy.
11. Recall what changes need to be made in terms of universal design, architecture, city design, transportation systems, and social systems to address this changing demographic. Recognize how the field of rehab therapy will be a part of this change.
12. Identify futuristic trends targeting an aging population and how these positively impact both healthy seniors and those individuals demonstrating cognitive decline.
13. Recall unique living arrangements for people living with dementia in countries around the world. Identify whether this can be emulated in the U.S.
14. Recall how therapy fits into this new healthcare delivery model
15. Identify the concept of an age-friendly city and strategies that must be incorporated into a city to begin the process.
16. List some of the many ways that robotics is being developed in order to assist in this societal change and discuss how robotics may be used in the future in therapy.
17. Identify how the 2020 pandemic may change how therapy needs to be delivered both today and tomorrow.
18. Using case studies and video clips, accurately identify what is currently happening in our society in regard to aging and what strategies overall can be implemented to enhance the lives of those individuals considered to be the oldest of the old.
305 Geriatrics: Evolving Therapy to Address Aging
Course Instructions 2
Course Description 3
Course Objectives 4
About the Authors 6
Table of Contents 7
Foreword 10
Introduction 11
Chapter 1: Aging Statistics on a Global Scale 13
Chapter 2: What is Aging? 14
Chapter 3: Why is our World Aging? 15
Chapter 4: Global Attempts at Addressing Aging Issues 16
Chapter 5: Healthcare Models to Address Aging 19
Chapter 6: Case Study 1 23
Chapter 7: Varied Countries’ Approaches 30
Sweden 30
Singapore 34
U.S.—Cleveland, Ohio 38
Chapter 8: Innovative Healthcare Options 42
Chapter 9: Dementia 47
Chapter 10: Treatment for Dementia 49
Chapter 11: Financing Dementia Care 54
Chapter 12: Unique Approaches for Dementia Care 56
Hogewey 56
The Village Langely 57
Video 24 minutes
Thailand 59
Video 45 minutes
Chapter 13: Gerontechnology 61
Low Tech Solutions 61
Inclusive/Universal Design 64
Lighting 65
Smart Home Technologies 67
Telehealth/Telemedicine/Telecare 68
Impact of Telehealth
Robotics 70
Cloud-Based Computing 73
Video 10 minutes
Chapter 14: Home Care 75
Chapter 15: Long-Term Care 77
Chapter 16: Case Study 2 81
Chapter 17: Progressive Therapy Delivery Models 90
Chapter 18: Occupational Therapy 92
O.T. in Home Care 93
Future Trends in O.T. 94
Chapter 19: Physical Therapy 98
Vision Statement
P.T. in Home Care 99
Future Trends in P.T. 100
Video 2 minutes
Chapter 20: The Roles of PTAs and OTAs 103
Chapter 21: Speech Therapy 107
S.T. in Home Care 107
Future Trends in S.T. 108
Video 2 minutes
Chapter 22: Age-Friendly Cities 111
Berkeley, California
Video 9 minutes
Chapter 23: Case Study 3 113
Chapter 24: Conclusion 116
References 119
Course Examination 127
Evaluation 134
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Educational Level: Intermediate
Target Audience: PT, PTA, OT, OTA
Course Completion Requirements: Passing an online exam with 70% or greater will be required to earn continuing education credit
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