Keep Her (Plus One) in the Game: A Team Approach to the Perinatal Client

Online Course
$40 USD

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You play a critical role in minimizing and preventing musculoskeletal symptoms in the perinatal client. In this session we will discuss the short- and long-term impacts of pregnancy and childbirth, common issues mothers face during pregnancy and postpartum, and timely treatments including evidence-based exercise guidelines and targeted training plans.

Available Course Credits

Alaska State PT & OT Board 1.00
Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Colorado Division of Professions and Occupations 1.00
Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers 1.00
District Of Columbia Department of Health 1.00
FPTA 1.00
Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Hawaii Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Idaho Physical Therapy Licensure Board 1.00
Illinois Department of Professional Regulation 1.00
Indiana Physical Therapy Board 1.00
Iowa Board of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy 1.00
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts 1.00
Kentucky State Board of Chiropractic Examiners 1.00
Maine Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Massachusetts Board of Allied Health Professionals 1.00
Michigan Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Missouri Advisory Commission for Physical Therapists 1.00
Montana Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 1.00
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services 1.00
New Jersey State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 1.00
New Mexico Physical Therapy Board 1.00
New York State Education Department 1.00
North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 1.00
North Dakota Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Oregon Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs - Physical Therapy 1.00
Physical Therapy Governing Board New Hampshire 1.00
South Carolina Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
South Dakota Physical Therapy License Board 1.00
State of Alabama Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
State of Rhode Island Department of Health 1.00
Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Texas Physical Therapy Association 1.00
Utah Physical Therapy Licensing Board 1.00
Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation 1.00
Virginia Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Washington State Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
West Virginia Board of Physical Therapy 1.00
Wisconsin Physical Therapy License Board 1.00
Wyoming Board of Physical Therapy 1.00

Learning Objectives

Hospital for Special Surgery Professional Education activities are intended to improve the quality of patient care and safety. At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Discuss the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and during the early postpartum period
  • Apply evaluation and treatment techniques for common orthopedic issues in the perinatal patient
  • Discuss the current evidence-based recommendations related to exercise and pregnancy
  • Employ principles of a comprehensive training program during pregnancy and postpartum
  • Identify modifications of common exercises to accommodate the specific musculoskeletal effects of pregnancy and childbirth

Course Content

PC-018 Keep Her (Plus One) in the Game: A Team Approach to the Perinatal Client
SCORM Package
HSS Course Evaluation
The short and long-term impact of pregnancy and childbirth on the musculoskeletal system is profound and often under-appreciated as the health of the mother and fetus are the primary focus. Complaints of various forms of musculoskeletal pain are common during the perinatal period as are stress urinary incontinence and diastasis recti, which may have long-term implications. Exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period can play a critical role in minimizing and preventing musculoskeletal symptoms as well improving the overall health and fitness of both the mother and baby.

This Rehabilitation Grand Rounds will focus on the current evidence-based guidelines regarding exercise during pregnancy as well as those areas in which evidence is lacking. We will highlight how an interdisciplinary team including a PT and a Clinical Exercise Physiologist can deliver a sound and targeted training plan while providing recognition and timely treatment for the common musculoskeletal problems that present in the perinatal client. Evaluation and treatment of common issues in the perinatal patient will be discussed as well as training principles and essential exercises for women during pregnancy as well as in the early postpartum period.

Education level: Beginner

Assessment and Treatment of Common Perinatal Issues
Anna Ribaudo, PT, DPT, OCS, CSPP-OB, CKTP

The Perinatal Athlete: Evidence-Based Training Principles
Polly de Mille, RN, MA, CEP-ACSM, CSCS

Essential Exercise for the Perinatal Client
Ashley Fluger, CSCS, NSCA-CPT


This activity is targeted to physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and exercise physiologists. 

Physical Therapists: Hospital for Special Surgery is a New York State Education Department approved provider for physical therapy continuing education. This course is approved for a maximum of 1.0 contact hour.

NJ: Approved #2208-79

Satisfies CE Requirements: AL, AZ (Category A), CO (Category 1), CT, DC, IA, KS, MA, ME NE, NH, TN, VA (Type 1), SD, WA, WI

This course content is not intended for use by any participants outside the scope of their license or regulation.

A certificate is awarded after a 5 question post course knowledge assessment and program survey. A passing score of 100% is required, with multiple attempts allowed. The knowledge assessment and survey can only be accessed once the program has been viewed.

None of the individuals in a position to control the content of this activity, including spouse/partner, have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Credit is awarded after a 5 question post-course knowledge assessment and program survey.  A passing score of 100% is required, with multiple attempts allowed.

After you complete the post-test and evaluation, a certificate will be available for you to save/print.

Questions? Contact Professional Education at 212.606.1057 or

Hospital for Special Surgery gratefully acknowledges Alter G for supporting Rehabilitation Grand Rounds.


Release Date: July 16, 2021

Expiration Date: July 16, 2024


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