Multi Media Ultra Subscription

SKU: physi-Multi-media-ultra-sub

Yearly Subscription
$179 USD
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Take advantage of our amazing deal, the Multi Media Ultra Subscription! Enjoy our courses for 30 days completely FREE, this is our multi-media subscription including all PDF courses, our virtual instructor-led hybrid courses, and a wide variety of digital courses from our global partners.

All we ask of you is for you to take this 2 minute survey to help us understand your CEU course preferences and needs. (please click on the blue text to take the survey)

There are even Literature Review courses coming soon in French and Spanish! (they will be added to the subscription when they come available)

We are super excited to offer this free trial and would love your feedback once you've had a chance to check it out!

Can you do us a favor and please take this 2 minute survey to help us understand your CEU course preferences and needs. (please click on the blue text to take the survey)

Enjoy content that spans musculoskeletal care, ethics, running injuries, pain management, behavioral and mental health; there are geriatric, pediatric and neurologic courses. Learn from the comfort of your home, office or whoever you have wifi on your terms. After 30 days, you'll have the opportunity to continue your access to the subscription on a paid basis, enjoying the benefits of learning from Physicourses and our world-wide team of experts!

We have an introductory series of courses offered in French and Spanish, we'd love your feedback on this offering if you prefer to learn in either language!

Ultra Subscription courses include:

1. 30 min-Fringe University Red Light Therapy Mini-Master Class

2. 8Ps to a Successful Private Practice by Power Diary

3. Pain Neuroscience, What's the Buzz About by EIM

4. Orthopedic Surgery Rehabilitation: Literature Review

5. Mini Course on Medial Hip x Gray Institute

6. Simplifying Assessment and Treatment of the Sacroiliac Joint & Hip Dysfunction

7. Ethics in Physical Therapy Practice

8. Kinesiology Taping for the Hand and Wrist

9. Optimal Rehab and Performance of the Overhead Athlete

10. Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Update

11. Running Biomechanics

12. Strengthening Core Stability

13. Arthritis of the Upper Extremity: Conservative Management

14. Cancer Rehabilitation: Addressing Unmet Patient Needs

15. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Conservative and Post-Surgical Management

16. Dementia Care—Patient and Family Considerations: Literature Review

17. Designing Effective Resistance Training Programs for the Physical and Occupational Therapist: Rethinking "3x10"

18. Diabetes in Children and Adolescents

19. Documentation and Coding for the Outpatient Therapist

20. Exercise as Intervention in Geriatrics: Literature Review

21. Falls: Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention

22. How Practitioners Can Beat Burnout

23. Functional Performance Measures in Geriatric Rehab

24. Geriatric Assessment: Literature Review

25. Geriatrics: Evolving Therapy to Address Aging

26. Hand and Wrist Fractures and Dislocations

27. Hip and Knee: Advancements in Joint Replacement

28. Hip Fracture Rehabilitation: Literature Review

29. Home Health Therapy for Older Adults: Evidence-Based Intervention—Module 1: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disorders

30. Management of the Medically Complex Patient

31. Motor Imagery in Rehabilitation: The Art and Science of Brain Training for Physical Rehabilitation

32. Orthopedic Surgery Rehabilitation: Literature Review

33. Osteoarthritis in Older Adults

34. Osteoporosis: Therapeutic Management of Bone Health

35. Pain Management Alternatives for the Opioid Addicted Client

36. Patellofemoral Disorders: Focus on Evaluation

37. Pulmonary Disorders and the Rehab Therapist

38. Resistance Training for the Older Adult

39. School Based Therapy

40. Setting the Stage for Success in the Treatment of Children with Autism

41. Therapeutic Exercise for Older Adults

42. Thermal Agents in Rehabilitation: Evidence Based Update

43. Understanding, Evaluating, and Treating Distal Radius Fractures

44. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Dementia Care—Patient and Family Considerations: Literature Review

45. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Designing Effective Resistance Training Programs for the Physical and Occupational Therapist: Rethinking "3x10"

46. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Diabetes in Children and Adolescents

47. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Exercise as Intervention in Geriatrics: Literature Review

48. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Falls: Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention

49. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Geriatric Assessment: Literature Review

50. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Geriatrics: Evolving Therapy to Address Aging

51. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Hip and Knee: Advancements in Joint Replacement

52. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Hip Fracture Rehabilitation: Literature Review

53. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Orthopedic Surgery Rehabilitation: Literature Review

54. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Osteoarthritis in Older Adults

55. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor School Based Therapy

56. Hybrid Course with Virtual Instructor Setting the Stage for Success in the Treatment of Children with Autism

57. Managing the Injured Runner

58. Introductory Spanish for the Rehabilitation Professional

And one more shameless ask...please take this 2 minute survey to help us understand your CEU course preferences and needs. (please click on the blue text to take the survey)

Coming Soon!

Próximamente - Cursos of recidos en español

¡Aprovecha nuestra increíble oferta, la Suscripción Multi Media Ultra! Disfruta de nuestros cursos durante 30 días completamente GRATIS, esta es nuestra suscripción multimedia que incluye todos los cursos en PDF, nuestros cursos híbridos virtuales dirigidos por instructores, y una amplia variedad de cursos digitales de nuestros socios globales. ¡Incluso hay cursos ofrecidos en francés y español! Estamos súper emocionados de ofrecer este período de prueba gratuito y nos encantaría recibir tus comentarios una vez que hayas tenido la oportunidad de probarlo.

Disfruta de contenido que abarca cuidados musculoesqueléticos, lesiones por correr, ética, manejo del dolor, salud conductual y mental; hay cursos geriátricos, pediátricos y neurológicos. Aprende desde la comodidad de tu hogar, oficina o dondequiera que tengas acceso a wifi, a tu propio ritmo. Después de 30 días, tendrás la oportunidad de continuar con tu acceso a la suscripción de pago, disfrutando de los beneficios de aprender de Physicourses y nuestro equipo de expertos en todo el mundo. ¡No te lo pierdas!

Bientôt disponible - Cursos ofrecidos en francés

Profitez de notre offre incroyable, l'abonnement Multi Media Ultra ! Profitez de nos cours pendant 30 jours gratuitement, c'est notre abonnement multimédia comprenant tous les cours PDF, nos cours hybrides virtuels dirigés par un instructeur, et une grande variété de cours numériques de nos partenaires mondiaux. Il y a même des cours proposés en français et en espagnol ! Nous sommes très enthousiastes à l'idée de proposer cet essai gratuit et aimerions avoir vos commentaires une fois que vous aurez eu l'occasion de le découvrir !

Profitez de contenu couvrant les soins musculo-squelettiques, les blessures de course, l'éthique, la gestion de la douleur, la santé comportementale et mentale ; il y a des cours gérontologiques, pédiatriques et neurologiques. Apprenez depuis le confort de votre domicile, de votre bureau ou de l'endroit où vous avez accès au wifi, à votre rythme. Après 30 jours, vous aurez la possibilité de continuer à accéder à l'abonnement sur une base payante, bénéficiant des avantages d'apprendre auprès de Physicourses et de notre équipe d'experts à travers le monde !