Physicourses Digital Subscription

Results 41-50 of 142
Examination of the Evidence Behind Rehabilitation Myths in Orthopedic Rehab of the Lower Body

Examination of the Evidence Behind Rehabilitation Myths in Orthopedic Rehab of the Lower Body

Paul Frizelle, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, MTC, CSCS, PES, CES

The fields of rehabilitation have been primarily driven to use tools that have been taught or espoused by "clinical experts." In the past two decades more resources have been placed towards research in clinically applicable rehabilitation information. Our view has evolved to begin implementing more evidence-based approaches for treating patients. Unfortunately, it often takes long periods for research to become available to the wider audiences. This has left the rehabilitation fields permeated by outdated information and inefficient/ ineffective treatments provided to patients. This course will examine some of the more prevalent myths that still pervade our fields and determine if the current evidence supports these practices. Participants will leave this course with a better understanding of the current research and how to effectively impact functional progress with their patients using evidence-based treatments.Highlights Best available evidence-based research to effectively treat orthopedic rehabilitation patientsReview common myths in rehabilitation that are inaccurate or outdated Easy methods to access and stay up-to-date on the latest available literature and research

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Integrating Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

Integrating Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

Jennifer Kinkade OTD, OTR/L

Professional organizations and governing bodies require the use of evidence-based practice (EBP). Although there is a growing expectation that practitioners incorporate evidence into practice, there are many barriers to implementing EBP. Those who use evidence-based interventions have improved client outcomes, quality of services, and job satisfaction. This course will focus on strategies for understanding scholarly articles for any discipline or topic. Participants will learn how to identify relevant evidence through critical appraisal of journal articles. Participants will review tools and resources, and will have hands-on experiences to help overcome barriers and improve use evidence in practice. Through hands-on practice, participants will learn strategies that can be implemented immediately. Each participant will be challenged to reflect on their current use of EBP and develop an action plan.Highlights Effective tools to identify and develop a plan utilizing evidence-based practice (EBP) Practical strategies for integrating evidence- based interventions to improve client outcomes Tools, resources, and hands-on experiences are provided to help overcome barriers and improve use evidence in practice Lower healthcare costs, improve job satisfaction, funding and reimbursement, and increase in quality of services using EBR

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Ethics in Physical Therapy Practice

Ethics in Physical Therapy Practice

Jason Sims, MSPT, COS-C, SFS, CDP

Physical therapy professionals are regularly confronted with a complex variety of ethical and moral dilemmas. Their course of action can implicate a wide array of professional and personal outcomes. This course will review key documents that supply the foundation for ethical practice by professionals in the physical therapy landscape including the APTA Code of Ethics and Guide for Professional Conduct. Participants will learn about the function of Physical Therapy Committees/Boards governed at a state level, as well as explore the scope of legal and ethical decision making in the physical therapy practice setting.. Challenges to ethical practice will be discussed including common business practices of concern, professional conduct and patients' rights.Highlights Updated information on oversight of ethical practice in physical therapy services Decision-making strategies to resolve challenging situations involving professional conduct and patient rights Ethical guidance for virtual and telehealth scenarios

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
1 hour - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Peripheral Nerve Entrapments

Peripheral Nerve Entrapments


The rehabilitation professional is the best positioned individual in the healthcare system to conservatively manage patients with entrapment neuropathies. This course will examine the potential for peripheral nerve entrapments to present in the rehabilitation setting. It will review the anatomy behind the peripheral nerve entrapment, how to identify them in the evaluation process, and how to effectively treat them for full return of function. Entrapment neuropathies are commonly encountered by rehabilitation professionals and are often overlooked as sources of pain and functional limitations. This course will improve your understanding of how to evaluate and identify common patterns for the clinical presentation of an entrapment neuropathy. Participants will learn how to immediately apply these strategies to improve their diagnostic and treatment skills for peripheral entrapment neuropathies. Attendees will be able to immediately take this information and apply it in their existing rehabilitation programs to improve the outcomes for their patients.Highlights Improve your ability to identify common peripheral nerve entrapments in the upper and lower extremity Entrapment neuropathies, manual therapy, and neural mobilization treatment strategies

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Telehealth Ergonomics for Healthcare Professionals

Telehealth Ergonomics for Healthcare Professionals

For years, the American Physical Therapy Association has been telling us as practitioners: "Telehealth will not replace traditional clinical care - but it will give flexibility to provide services efficiently. Quicker screening, assessment and referral can improve care coordination within collaborative delivery models." They go on to further admit what's now undeniable: "In physical therapy, patients /clients are asking for more time-efficient and less costly care models. Busy lifestyles make it difficult for greater numbers of people to attend traditional BIW / TIW appointments. Applications of telehealth in physical therapy already allows PT's to better communicate with patients / clients and provide more flexible care." These statements were all made prior to the new realities of a post-COVID-19 clinical landscape. Telehealth Ergonomics is a novel approach to computer workstation ergonomic assessment and modification whose time has come - especially with the current pressures made starkly clear by the new COVID-19 reality. This emerging way to work effectively and efficiently will reduce the personal cost of obtaining expert ergonomic assessments and interventions and provide an evidence-based and systematic program of completing ergonomic assessments remotely. It will also offer the scrupulous practitioner a new area of expertise and commerce. It couldn't come at a better time.Highlights Diversify your skillset with strategies to effectively deliver telehealth to your pat...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Dry Needling Evidence-Based Concepts and Essential Skills

Dry Needling Evidence-Based Concepts and Essential Skills

John Gwilliam, PT, MHA, CWS, Cert. DN

Dry needling is a practice that has been around for many decades, but over the last 10 years, it has emerged as one of the most effective strategies to address and improve neuromuscular and musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain.With established and emerging evidence, various models and methods have been developed to use this intervention to help reduce pain, improve motion, and restore function. This course will provide participants tools and resources to assist the therapist in determining when and how to utilize dry needling for the benefit of each patient. Participants will review current evidence and best practice recommendations. In addition, participants will be provided an overview of various techniques and approaches for dry needling, including case presentations and outcomes.Highlights Evidence supporting dry needling as an intervention approach to help alleviate musculoskeletal limitations and pain Essential concepts for when and how to incorporate dry needling into the plan of care

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Getting it Right: Therapy Prescription and Dosage

Getting it Right: Therapy Prescription and Dosage

Andy Parsons PT, DPT, OCS

Therapists are aware appropriately prescribed exercise programs can have many meaningful benefits to our patients. Unfortunately, many studies show that therapists are often not providing strenuous enough programs to elicit a physiological response that would be sufficient to provide functional change. Considering this, the American Physical Therapy Association identified under dosage as one of the five top problems that needed to change in the Choosing Wisely initiative. Rehab clinicians must maximize dosage each session in a reimbursement environment that demands results in fewer sessions to improve their patients' quality of life. This course will describe practical clinical tools for understanding and maximizing dosage with therapy patients in all settings. Practical assessment and reassessment strategies for loading that you and your patients can implement easily will be explored.Highlights Immediately improve your ability to properly load and progress exercise programs using objective measures and patient response to dictate treatment to promote restored function, strength, and independence in daily activities. Maximize clinical and functional outcomes by implementing new strategies to maximize dosage in a reimbursement environment that demands you get results in a fewer number of sessions Practical assessment and re-assessment strategies for loading that you and your patients can implement easily to maximize functional gains. Integrate learning with engaging case exper...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Nutrition Management for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Nutrition Management for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Research shows that protein promotes muscle strength and function. Simple carbohydrates do the opposite. Artificial sweeteners, colors and flavors are even worse when it comes to muscle strength and function. This course will discuss the latest brain research and evidence-based best practices regarding diet and nutrition in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. By understanding how food impacts the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, rehabilitation experts can see improved compliance and response to an overall plan of care. Diet, nutrition, and environmental influences will be covered as well as their role in the focus of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system health.Highlights Confidently address nutrition and general nutritional recommendations set forth by the FDA regarding MultipleSclerosis Enhance your Multiple Sclerosis patient's treatment and recovery by adding a nutritional component to your overall plan of care

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Differential Diagnosis Upper Extremity Pathologies and Symptoms

Differential Diagnosis Upper Extremity Pathologies and Symptoms

Dr. Rina Pandya, PT, DPT

Therapy is no longer limited to the musculoskeletal system. With the introduction of Direct Access and privately owned clinics and tele rehab, therapists play an important role in screening other body systems to refer patients to appropriate medical providers. This course aims to equip the therapist with tools to differentially diagnose the origin of pain between the musculoskeletal system and involvement of other systemic pathologies. This aids in providing effective timely treatment to the patient, identifying red flags, thus saving time as well as resources. This course is designed to be a handy resource and a guide for everyday clinical situations both for allied health professionals and medical professionals. The course material is detailed and presented with easy to understand facts about both musculoskeletal and systemic causes of upper extremity pain.Highlights Improve your ability to differentially diagnose cervical spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand conditions Effective special tests to discover referred pain patterns and red flags Evidence-based practice approaches and case studies

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education


Cryotherapy has been utilized in the therapy world since the beginning, yet we still are discovering new methods and effects. This course aims to educate the learner on cryotherapy evidence and enhance the understanding of this often-misunderstood technique. Therapeutic benefits, risks, indications, and contraindications will be reviewed. Lab demonstrations of various application methods will be introduced. Additionally, reimbursement and possible future uses will be discussed.Highlights Effective, evidence-based cryotherapy interventions for multiple problem areas Therapeutic benefits, risks, indications, and contraindications Coding, billing, and reimbursement for cryotherapy Integrate learning to your PT/OT/AT practice through case examples and demonstrations

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education