Physicourses Digital Subscription

Results 131-140 of 142
Early Intervention for Brain and Motor Skill Development

Early Intervention for Brain and Motor Skill Development

Colleen Williams, PT

Early intervention includes children from birth to three years old. The efficacy of early intervention therapies has been studied and proven to help children reach their true potential. Current knowledge of brain development in the child is rapidly changing. Researchers are discovering the powerful influence of the cerebellum in all aspects of development. Children face many different challenges today than they did in the past. These changes in the life of a child can affect their ability to achieve motor milestones, visual milestones and to create a foundation for future growth and development.This course will provide physical and occupational therapists strategies to assess and treat the child in early intervention. As your knowledge of typical brain and motor development improves, your treatment sessions will be more effective. Practical and highly effective strategies will be provided to improve your confidence and success in working with children in early intervention.HighlightsImprove knowledge of brain development and how it relates to the treatment of infants and young childrenConfidently assess and treat a young child with a clear understanding of typical motor developmentPractical assessment of primitive and postural reactions, and their influence on motor development and motor delaysEffective treatment strategies to improve infant positioning and integrate primitive reflexesLearn practical techniques for the development of motor skills

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Autism Across the Spectrum

Autism Across the Spectrum

Joani M. Richardson, OTR/L

In 2012 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 1 in 88 children were diagnosed with Autism. In March of 2014 that estimate increased to 1 in 68 U.S. children, a 30% increase in two years. As this population grows into adulthood they need to be prepared to live and function independently in the community and to be gainfully employed. If you have met one child with Autism, you have met one child with Autism. Though the core deficits are the same, the kids are all very different. It is imperative that therapists, clinicians, teachers, parents and administrators understand this population and have the tools and strategies necessary to be proactive and make a difference in the development of each individual child.This fast-paced, practical and evidence-based workshop will help participants gain a full understanding of the world of Autism. Participants will leave with a framework to guide their problem-solving and decision-making along with intervention strategies for day-to-day success. Extensive use of examples, pictures and anecdotes will prepare you to use the strategies immediately and effectively. From low to high functioning, this seminar will help participants put the pieces together to discourage negative behaviors and to foster growth and skill development in children of all ages with Autism Spectrum Disorder.HighlightsSolutions to help children reach the next skill level socially, academically and behaviorallyEffectively foster independence in chil...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Essential Assessment and Treatment Strategies for Pediatric Orthopedic Dysfunction

Essential Assessment and Treatment Strategies for Pediatric Orthopedic Dysfunction

Crystal Duda, MSPT

There are approximately 200 hospitals for children in theUS. For many families who cannot access their rehab services, they must rely on local outpatient clinics to provide therapy services for their children. Pediatric orthopedics is a challenging field relying on knowledge of developmental norms and evidence-based treatment intervention. Successful outcomes in pediatrics depend on clinicians prescribing customized stretching, strengthening, and positioning strategies that children will be successful at performing.This one of a kind workshop will review the developmental progression of motor skills and supply clinicians with ideas and resources to implement immediately with their pediatric patients. Attendees will also tune up their observation skills related to posture, functional mobility, and gait to help understand the need for further referrals to medical specialties such as orthopedics, neurology, and rheumatology. As practicing rehabilitation professionals working with young patients, when outcomes count, understanding and treating children respecting their age and stage, instead of as "little adults" is everything.HighlightsTransform your clinical decision making to help pediatric patients with orthopedic diagnoses including best practices for torticollis, scoliosis and gait abnormalitiesAssess developmental norms for functional movement patterns, joint alignment, and mobility to build better, more effective treatment plans specific to pediatric patientsRefresh your ...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Treating Torticollis

Treating Torticollis

Kim Lephart, PT, DPT, MBA, PCS

Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is the third most common congenital musculoskeletal anomaly in infants. Positional plagiocephaly may contribute to torticollis and there has been an increase in occurrence since the 1992 American Academy of Pediatrics' Back-to-Sleep campaign. Early intervention professionals are on the front line of treating children with torticollis and plagiocephaly, whether in the neonatal intensive care unit, the baby nursery at hospitals, and especially when visiting homes in the early intervention setting; early identification and appropriate treatment can improve outcomes for these infants.This interactive workshop provides resources and education to understand the etiology, evaluation, and treatment of infants with CMT. The Section of Pediatrics of the APTA's Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) is discussed and applied to determine appropriate interventions, guide referrals to other specialists, and determine when discharge is appropriate. Participants will discuss cases, group problem solve, and practice use of tools for evaluating this population. Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be familiar with the CMT Clinical Practice Guidelines and have the proper tools for evaluating and treating infants with CMT.HighlightsHands-on labs on safe and effective manual stretching, positioning, and documentation of neck range of motion via arthrodial protractorAlternative interventions such as Kinesiology taping fortorticollisEffective infant s...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Functional Amputee Rehabilitation

Functional Amputee Rehabilitation

Daniel J. Lee, PT, DPT, GCS

It is estimated that 185,000 individuals will undergo a limb amputation each year with hospitalization costs of $8.3 billion dollars per year. Being able to effectively manage the rehabilitation of individuals with limb loss can maximize functional mobility and minimize preventable secondary complications. Care for the individual with limb loss spans all clinical settings and requires the knowledge of both sound rehabilitation principles as well as that of the various prosthetic hardware configurations. To provide the best care and prevention from complications such as wound development or even re-amputation, specific training is required to effectively care for the patient with limb loss.This hands-on workshop will teach you examination, intervention, and goal setting strategies specific to the limb loss population that can be applied immediately after the course is completed. Through hands-on labs you will learn how to properly care for the residual limb, problem solve prosthetic fit issues, and modify common positions to emphasize functional postures. By the end of the course participants will be able to examine and treat an adult patient with lower limb loss in any setting you work in.HighlightsImmediately improve your ability to evaluate and treat individuals with limb loss with evidence-based examination and intervention skillsLearn the top 10 red flags to successful recovery in individuals with limb lossEasily implement techniques and skills learned in this class to th...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Therapists Rehabilitation Strategies for Dementia Patients

Therapists Rehabilitation Strategies for Dementia Patients

Anysia Ensslen-Boggs, Ed.D., M.S., CCC-SLP

Dementia is a broad term for a decline in mental ability that is significant enough to interfere with a person's daily life. Over 5 million Americans are living with dementia; someone in the United States develops Alzheimer's disease every 65 seconds. This number is expected to double by 2030, and triple by 2050. Since there is no cure for dementia, this disease results in a progressive decline of cognitive and functional skills. Many individuals with dementia also experience behavioral changes, decreased safety awareness, difficulty eating/swallowing, and decreased independence completing ADLs. This course is designed for therapists and healthcare professionals so that they may improve outcomes, safety, and quality of life for individuals and their caregivers living with dementia.This course will facilitate learning about functional and evidence-based techniques, interventions, and education/training strategies. Participants will learn about assessments and screening tools which may be used at all stages of progressive cognitive decline, and how to use those tools to develop individualized treatment plans. Emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary treatment, documentation challenges, improving patient safety, and caregiver education.HighlightsTypes of dementia and the neuroscience behind themConfidently examine physical and cognitive implications of dementia in order to more effectively implement evidence-based treatment approachesDevelop functional treatment plans for th...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Fall Prevention Strategies

Fall Prevention Strategies

Brian Trzaskos PT, LMT, CSCS, CMP, MI-C

The CDC, government programs, and major medical systems believe that fall risk is a growing epidemic with more than one third of adults over 65 years old falling annually and 30% of those people suffering moderate to severe injuries. In 2012, the total cost for fall related injuries in older adults alone was 30 billion dollars. Integrative fall prevention strategies are multidimensional, simultaneously addressing multiple fall risk factors and leading to more effective, cost reducing and sustainable patient outcomes. Over 127 million Americans seek complementary and integrative health care services annually and the most successful clinicians know that meeting this growing need offers a huge advantage in providing superior quality care.Integrative rehabilitation professionals realize that the body and mind function inseparably in all human activity. This insightful and innovative program will transform traditional fall prevention thinking into a more holistic concept of care by outlining a simple set of integrative rehabilitation principles. Throughout the day, participants will practice research supported integrative movement and manual strategies that can be immediately applied in diverse clinical settings resulting in lower cost and highly effective balance enhancement outcomes.HighlightsImmediately apply integrative thought, movement, and manual strategies that prevent falls in diverse clinical settingsMaster the four pillars of integrative neuromuscular balanceExperience ...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Strengthening Core Stability

Strengthening Core Stability

Lori Duncan, PT, DPT, MTC, CPT

Mobility on stability is one of the most important aspects of efficient and pain-free function and Pilates is a powerful tool to accomplish this concept. With most exercises "off the ground," Pilates safely teaches dissociation of movement, intrinsic stability and effective breathing that will improve balance, posture, gait and decrease fall risk. Each exercise has multiple benefits including stability, ROM and strength allowing the patient to spend less time on HEP while improving functional outcomes. Pilates is magic for the neuromuscular system, effectively teaching patients how to move their body through space for optimal function.This one-day, interactive workshop will teach over 50 exercises for optimal dissociation of movement with emphasis on trunk stability for safe weight-bearing activity. Participants will learn how to apply the 6 Pilates Principles to all therapeutic exercises to enhance home exercise plan compliance and optimize reimbursement. Modifications and progressions to each exercise will be demonstrated with hands-on lab-based learning and assessment. Participants will increase their knowledge of breathing, true core activation and be able to teach their patients the next day.HighlightsInnovative, proven methods to strengthen the core inpatients with common orthopedic injuries, post-operative rehab, fall risks, and chronic painEffective, evidence-based therapeutic exercises for the whole body to improve posture, balance, and gaitImmediately improve your c...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Functional Testing & Assessment for Older Adults

Functional Testing & Assessment for Older Adults

T. Daniel Walters PT, DPT, GCS

Disability varies greatly among the older adult population. This variability creates challenges in identifying appropriate outcome measures that can accurately reflect performance. Errors in clinical decision-making can lead to greater disability, higher healthcare costs, and the inability to justify skilled service. It is anticipated that third party payers will move toward performance-based reimbursement, so it is important that clinicians begin to maximize clinical outcomes by using practical assessment tools for this rapidly growing older population. The ability to recognize which tools may best reflect progress through comprehensive examination and assessment is vital in justifying skilled services, reducing disability, reducing healthcare costs and improving quality of life among older adults.This workshop features lecture presentations, photos and videos, live demonstrations, interactive hands-on labs, quick reference handouts, case studies and open discussion. It will enable clinicians to identify practical outcome measures that will accurately reflect the effectiveness of skilled service and exercise prescription on the various aging populations.Through assessment and interpretation of current evidence- based outcome measures, clinicians will be able to develop treatment plans, better predict needs of patients and maximize performance.HighlightsComprehensive testing measures that will quickly and accurately reflect performance in most clinical settings for various ag...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education
Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Osteopenia

Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Osteopenia

Jennifer Darby PT, DPT, GCS, CPAHA, CEEAA

It is now estimated that one-third of the United States population has reported having a musculoskeletal disease. With the prevalence of this disease continuing to grow, it is important that therapists are equipped to positively impact quality of life and function for these patients. While exercise prescriptions are a very important component of treatment, it is also critical that we understand the positive and negative impact that nutrition, diet, and medications can play in the progressions of patient outcomes. Gaining an understanding in this area will promote the best treatment plan possible for improving pain, posture and function.This relevant, one-day workshop will focus on a comprehensive approach to effectively treating common musculoskeletal disease. Participants will review the latest research, biology, and common patient populations at risk for these diseases. Nutrition, diet, and the digestive process will be analyzed so that an understanding can be gained of how to play a positive role in this area. Pharmacological considerations will be evaluated to help participants recognize how these can effect exercise treatment. Participants will leave having the best practices for assessment and treatment of patients with arthritis, osteoporosis and osteopenia. Participants will take away exercise and strengthening considerations that will promote functional improvement for pain, posture, flexibility and overall quality of life.HighlightsUtilizing the most optimal exercis...

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
6 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education