Brandi Singleton, PT, DPT, CCI
More than 75,000 lower extremity amputations are performed in the United States each year. Many lower extremity amputees will have the potential to regain the ability to walk functional distances with the training of rehabilitation professionals. 50% of amputees report fear of falling and have at least one fall per year. This course will provide therapists with the tools needed to maximize our patient’s potential prior to prosthetic use and promote functional use of prosthetics to allow them to return to optimal levels of function. Therapists play an integral role from day one following an amputation to the day a patient returns to home, community, and work settings. With the proper training and education from qualified therapy professionals utilizing evidence-based practice and effective outcome measures, these patients can reach optimal levels of independence and safety. These outcomes will not only lead to a higher quality of life, but also reduce the risk of further injury and hospitalization.Highlights Improve functional mobility in lower extremity amputees at various points in their rehabilitation journey Effectively reduce fall risk in patients with lower extremity amputation Utilize effective outcome measures to determine an accurate baseline and to track progression